5Rhythms-Festival 2025

all my relations

Thursday, July 31 — Sunday, August 3

Anna Schricker (AT)

Ron Hagendoorn (NL)

Susanna Dobos (CH)

Frequently Asked Questions





How can I register?

Reg­is­tra­tion can be made via this web­site using the reg­is­tra­tion form or in writ­ing by send­ing the ful­ly com­plet­ed PDF form by post, which you can down­load here.

How can I be sure that I am registered?

After receipt of your reg­is­tra­tion, you will usu­al­ly receive a con­fir­ma­tion email with your details and the pay­ment modal­i­ties with­in one week. Before you con­tact me, please check your spam fold­er.
If you still can’t find what you are look­ing for, please write an email to mail@5rhythmen-festival.de .

Why do I have to make several transfers?

The costs are list­ed in your reg­is­tra­tion con­fir­ma­tion. Tick­et fees go to us. The costs for accom­mo­da­tion and meals go to the Grün­er Pfad guest­house, and your dona­tion in cash goes direct­ly to the per­son in charge of the House of Hope.

This has become nec­es­sary because we had to make the painful expe­ri­ence that the tax office also con­sid­ers last year’s dona­tions, which were col­lect­ed through us, as busi­ness income and we there­fore became liable to VAT. The con­se­quence for Dag­mar and me: an addi­tion­al VAT pay­ment of more than 10,000 € from our pri­vate purse.

I only want to come on one day/evening. Can I register now?

Yes, you can send your reg­is­tra­tion to us. You will also be noti­fied with­in a week that your reg­is­tra­tion has been received. How­ev­er, you will be informed that these tick­ets will only be allo­cat­ed if all avail­able places are not already occu­pied by per­ma­nent guests.

Per­haps you will con­sid­er whether you can make it for the whole day.
Please under­stand that the num­ber of par­tic­i­pants is lim­it­ed and that I don’t want to turn away any­one who wants to be there for the whole day because I have already allo­cat­ed a tick­et for an evening wave.

Can I also book accommodation directly with the guest house?

No, this is not pos­si­ble for the fes­ti­val. The allo­ca­tion of tick­ets and accom­mo­da­tion runs in par­al­lel and is coor­di­nat­ed by us with the guest house.

How are the “dormitories” equipped?

The per­sons in charge of the guest house will clear out most of the exist­ing sem­i­nar rooms. Tables and one chair per per­son may remain for stor­age. In any case, you should bring your own sleep­ing mat and sleep­ing bag. You will sleep in a room with sev­er­al oth­er par­tic­i­pants. Rooms for men and women are sep­a­rate. Earplugs are some­times helpful.

The san­i­tary facil­i­ties in the base­ment are shared between the campers and the dancers in the dormitories.

Can I stay overnight together with my partner?

As a rule, this is pos­si­ble. Most of the avail­able rooms are dou­ble rooms. If you would like to sleep in a tent togeth­er with some­one else, please indi­cate this when reg­is­ter­ing. This enables us to deter­mine the num­ber of places need­ed for tents.

I am staying overnight in a camper van. Why do I still have to pay something?

Even if you stay in your own motorhome on site, you use the facilities/sanitary equip­ment of the guest house and are there­fore also enti­tled to the great break­fast buf­fet of the guest house.

I have food intolerances. Can this be catered for?

The guest­house makes every effort to cater for intol­er­ances, which means you are sure to find some­thing you can tol­er­ate at the exten­sive break­fast buf­fet. There is a choice of wheat-free, lac­tose-free, fruit, mues­li and much more.

At lunch and din­ner, there is only the alter­na­tive option of order­ing wheat-free food.

Häufigste Frage 2

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

I did not attend all the meals I ordered. Do I get money back?

No, unfor­tu­nate­ly that’s not pos­si­ble. The shop­ping and prepa­ra­tions are done before the fes­ti­val starts. There­fore, the costs have already been incurred.

Häufigste Frage 4

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Do I have to be vaccinated to participate?

The coro­na reg­u­la­tions are still chang­ing con­stant­ly. There­fore, no con­crete state­ment regard­ing the require­ments can be made at the moment. Keep your­self up to date and sub­scribe to the newsletter.

I fell ill at short notice. Do I get my money back?

Please read the terms and con­di­tions care­ful­ly before reg­is­ter­ing. As is gen­er­al­ly the case, there are dif­fer­ent dead­lines and repay­ment conditions.

Do I get my money back if the festival is cancelled due to Corona or other restrictions?

Yes, except for a small amount of 25,00 € you will get every­thing else back. Please under­stand. This amount will be used to cov­er costs and oblig­a­tions already incurred.

Do I get support from you for carpooling?

No, data pro­tec­tion is very impor­tant to me. But of course you can use the Face­book group and ask others.

Do I need previous experience with the 5Rhythms?

No, the event is also suit­able for new­com­ers. But watch your ener­gies. Three waves a day is a lot to process. Phys­i­cal­ly and psychologically.

Which teacher does the Wave and when?

This is not deter­mined in advance, but decid­ed togeth­er on site from day to day. Just get involved again and again.

more infor­ma­tion about the aid project Haus der Hoff­nung Nepal e.V.








