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Ful­ly booked. Wait­ing list estab­lished We are now up to date and total­ly over­whelmed by the flood of reg­is­tra­tions. We have set up a wait­ing list. If you would like to be on the wait­ing list, please use the reg­is­tra­tion form on the web­site. If you are not yet on our…

GuestHouse Grüner Pfad

GuestHouse Grüner Pfad

In the Grün­er Pfad guest house, a train­ing facil­i­ty for dis­ad­van­taged young peo­ple in train­ing, we have about 42 places in guest rooms. In addi­tion, the facil­i­ty makes the gar­den avail­able to us for camp­ing and clears out sem­i­nar rooms so that they can be used as…