Festival 2025

Festival 2025

July 31 ‑August 3

Free places: 38
Here you will find the most impor­tant cur­rent infor­ma­tion about the festival.

Reg­is­tra­tions for the fes­ti­val have been open since Sun­day, Feb­ru­ary 16 at 9.00 am. All rooms in the guest house were ful­ly booked with­in 10 minutes.

Alter­na­tive­ly, you can come with a tent, your own camper van or, if pos­si­ble, with your own sleep­ing bag and sleep­ing mat.
Reg­is­tra­tion confirmations/invoices are usu­al­ly sent out with­in a week.

If you are not yet on our mail­ing list, sign up for the newslet­ter so that you don’t miss anything.

GuestHouse Grüner Pfad

GuestHouse Grüner Pfad

In the Grün­er Pfad guest house, a train­ing facil­i­ty for dis­ad­van­taged young peo­ple in train­ing, we have about 42 places in guest rooms. In addi­tion, the facil­i­ty makes the gar­den avail­able to us for camp­ing and clears out sem­i­nar rooms so that they can be used as shared dor­mi­to­ries for par­tic­i­pants with their own equip­ment. It is advis­able to book one of these options for overnight accom­mo­da­tion. The price includes a fan­tas­tic break­fast and you are only a 50m walk from the dance hall.